Free WiFi Hotspots for iPhone – Courtesy of AT&T

3 Nov

Free WiFi Hotspots for iPhone – for US iPhone users. After two previous failed attempts to offer this service in May and July, AT&T are again offering this nice freebie.

According to a release from the caffeine addiction leader, T-Mobile is no longer going to be their Wi-Fi Hotspot provider. This morning the two companies announced plans to deliver AT&T Wi-Fi service at more than seven thousand company-operated Starbucks locations across the United States. (Photo: J. Anderson)

spacer1.jpgThe service will be available at about 17,000 domestic hotspot locations (OK, mostly McDonald’s and Starbucks locales! but the hotspot network does also include Barnes and Noble, Airports and quite a few other places – and they provide an interactive site where we can do an easy search for hotspots in our area)

According to the latest version of the AT&T “How to access WiFi” page, getting Wi-Fi hotspots is easy for iPhone owners.

But, as you will see when you try it – its a bit more involved than connecting to a hotspot with a laptop, or even a PSP. There are about five steps involved – including receiving a (free) text message from AT&T.

But we do get free 24 hour access from that hotspot, and we can apparently connect to as many WiFi hotspots as we want on any single day. (Hmmm.. we worry about all the free text messages AT&T is saying they are wiling to cop to let us hook into free wifi?)

Whether “easy” really describes the process is debatable, but the important things is that we finally can access the free hotspots – and we at iPhonegizmo suggest that you grab a go while its still on offer!