Songs For Japan

5 Apr

Again our super- stars  have stepped up to the plate and are donating the earnings from their talent to the needy.

This time a benefit album called “Songs For Japan” has been released with 38 songs from top artists for just $9.99 – that’s less than .30c a song! And with the line up of top artists (see 15 of them below)  as hot as this one, it is a fantastic way to raise $$ for the people of this devastating tragedy .

Songs For Japan

Just click the image to go to iTunes and purchase the Album.

Oh, and BTW check out the ratings: 5994 Ratings give it 4.5 stars

Of course, if you already have the songs, or are not keen on the ones chosen for the album, you can donate directly through the Red Cross.

This has been listed in the “free iPhone downloads” category for the simple reason that we basically get 18 songs for free on this album!! – Share this with all your friends and get a big result happening for Japan –>