Free iPhone App Promotion

2 May

Melbourne Historical

Today’s post is going to take you off the beaten track – way, way off. …

The iPhonegizmo team are regularly bombarded with promotions about new apps – most of which we ignore (because most are now very ho-hum). Most of the apps that do appear here have been found through our own research. And that is the case with the app we are covering today.

Because this app is a bit strange, a bit different and – perhaps what gives it its appeal – somewhat amateurish.  To get a feel for this app, just watch the video:


Now, many a reader will be wondering “where is Melbourne?” Good question!

But more to the point is that the app shows that just about anyone can make an app these days. So if you think you have an original take on a subject, perhaps check out what Tim Richards has done and then go and make your own app. If you do get inspired – then drop us a line at iPhonegizmo (contact details are at the top of the side bar) .

If we like it, we will promo it.