Make Money With YOUR Bright iPhone App Ideas!

5 Nov

How many times have you thought: “if only there was an App that did….?”

Or: “I would pay good $$ for an App that …!”

Well, these insights might just be worth $$. We have already told you about Firemint from Down Under that has made their first million from their simple game app. And there are plenty of other success stores. In fact, Apps have proven to be so successful that there are companies willing to convert our great ideas into cash and make Apps for us!

AppIncubatorEnter the  App Incubator, a service offering to turn great ideas into apps in return for a share of the profits. There are no up-front costs, but any profits generated by the apps are split 75/25 in MEDL’s favor.  Lets face it, though, most of us would never get past the”great idea” stage, anyway and don’t have any of the skills required to develop an App or get it accepted by Apple! So this is a deal well worth considering, if you do have an idea! Maybe your next mill is just waiting for you?, maybe you are a passionate iPhone games player that has been longing for a game that ….? Well, there is also an downloadable tool that allows us to  create and share our great game ideas  on the net!

Gamesalad provides us with various pre-developed game elements that can be combined together to make a game – so no need to know code or script. And, if you think you have a winning game, then (for a small charge) GameSalad will help you develop your game into an iPhone-compatible game as well. You can also check out some of  the games that GameSalad users have published on the iPhone App Store, to see just what you can achieve!